Turning Assets

into Liquidity

Turnkey Security Token Offerings

Companies: raise capital quickly and efficiently.
Wealth Managers: find alpha in digital assets.




Token to Trade

LQD Assets has assembled a team of professionals from the spheres of technology, finance, and legal who are world class leaders in the field of “Security Tokenization” to provide a comprehensive service. Hence, we’ve coined the term,

“Token to Trade”


Our Services


We offer a comprehensive analysis of possible outcomes, cost and opportunity for businesses to tokenize. If your company possesses REAL WORLD ASSETS. let us show you how to raise significant capital using a Security Token Offering (STO) to leverage those assets and create liquidity that can be traded on a public exchange.


We provide the legal and technical components to launch security tokens to a world wide audience. Engineering your customized smart contract to interact with a blockchain is crucial to business automation.


Blockchain technology brings issuers and investors together in a way that humanizes the process of fundraising and investing. Our business is built to ensure a successful security token launch.

Use blockchain technology to expedite the refinancing of your business, lower your cost of capital and do it in a secure, transparent and compliant manner. We’re here to help guide you through the entire process.

We are happy to provide an complimentary 15 minute consultation. Please fill out the form below.